South Umpqua Headwaters Precontact Reference Conditions Study
Historical Photographs, 1899 - 1944
"Salting Grounds, Summit of Divide," ca. 1930, Tiller R.D., Umpqua N.F. (courtesy USDA Umpqua National Forest).
The following index of historical photographs were provided and made available by Debra C. Barner, Heritage and Tribal Relations Program Manager, and Molly Casperson of the Umpqua National Forest, from the Forests' files. The exception is the 1899 photograph from Abbott Butte, which is from Leiberg 1900: 226.
The selection of photographs is primarily based on the location of historic fire lookouts in the study area for which Osborne panoramas have been located, and of the 25 Areas of Special Interest that were specifically chosen and defined in conjunction with the South Umpqua Headwaters Precontact Reference Conditions Study. Additional photographs of interest include several taken of the Tiller R.D headquarters and Jackson Sawmill during the early 1940s.
Abbreviations: n.d. = "No Date" (typically, sometime between 1920 and 1940); AWS = (WW II) Aircraft Warning Service; G.S. = Guard Station; L.O. = Fire Lookout Station; N.F. = National Forest; R.D. = Ranger District; R.S. = Ranger Station; U.N.F. = Umpqua National Forest; USDA = United States Department of Agriculture.
1899 Abbott Butte |
1942 Abbott Butte "Old" L.O. |
n.d. "showing weed type in foreground"
Abbott Butte |
n.d. "Open grass range" Abbott Butte |
n.d. Anderson Camp L.O. |
1923 Bald Ridges L.O. |
1943 "Mrs. Logan (Clarence?) Hartley with
her bird bathtub," AWS Station, Butler Butte L.O. |
1923 "LO tree and tent," Callahan L.O. |
1923 "LO tree," Callahan L.O. |
1943 Margaret Carr, Devils Knob L.O. "Photo
by R.B.H." |
1926 "Saddle and hitching rack," DuMont
G.S. |
1943 DuMont G.S. "Photo by R.B.H." |
1933 Fish Creek Burn |
1935 Fish Lake |
1922 Grasshopper L.O. |
1926 Grasshopper L.O. |
1928 Grasshopper L.O. |
n.d. "a weedy meadow type," Grasshopper
Meadow |
n.d. Hershberger L.O. |
n.d. High Rock |
1923 Serviceberry R.S. |
1937 "Old" Summitt G.S. |
n.d. Summit Divide Burn |
1922 Falls on South Umpqua River (Camp
Comfort?) |
1940 South Umpqua G.S. "Photo by V.V.H." |
1921 "At station 110 - 1921 construction,"
Tiller Trail Project |
1921 "Tiller Road" |
1929 Tiller R.S. Barn, "Built 1928." |
1930 "Guard Training Camp Groups,
Tiller R.S." |
1940 Tiller R.S. Barn |
1943 Tiller R.S. Asst. Ranger's Residence |
1944 Tiller R.S. "Photo by V.V.H." |
1944 "Asst. Ranger Dwelling at Tiller R.S.,
1/7/44, Photo V.V.H." |
n.d. Tiller Ranger Station |
n.d. Tiller R.S.: Elton Jackson Sawmill
"now sawing his first 2 million feet of Sugar Pine cut in U.N.F." |