Harney County Cattle Grazing Study - Spring Field Trip 2003
2004 Spring Field Trip Planning Committee
The following people form the committee that will plan next year's field trip. Veronica Ayers is the chairperson.
Albert Gruen - GruenA@ORWW.org
Anna-Marie Pimm - pimma@harneyesd.k12.or.us
Bob Zybach - ZybachB@ORWW.org
Chance Peila - Peila_c@yahoo.com
David Wright - the_freak06@yahoo.com
Jeanne Gay - bobjean@peak.org
Jimmy Zamora - beavs1@yahoo.com
Kyle Davies - kyleadavies@hotmail.com
Nana Lapham - LaphamN@ORWW.org
Tony Svejcar - Tony.Svejcar@orst.edu
Veronica Ayers - veebee06@excite.com