2019 SWOCC Elliott State Forest Draft Recreation Plan
APPENDIX B. Birds: Native and Exotic Birds of the Elliott
By Daniel Patton, Tara Boyd, and Matthew Smith
Fig. B.1. Two Barn Swallows, BLM Elk Viewing Area, May 22, 2018. Photo by Daniel Patton.
Common Name |
Species Name |
Status |
Chickadee, Black-Capped |
Poecile atricapillus |
Endemic Native |
Chickadee, Chestnut-Backed |
Poecile rufescens |
Endemic Native |
Corvus Crow |
Corvus brachyrhychos |
Endemic Native |
Corvus Raven |
Corvus corax |
Endemic Native |
Creeper, Brown |
Certhia americana |
Endemic Native |
Crossbill, Red |
Loxia curvirostra |
Endemic Native |
Dipper, American |
Cinclus mexicanus |
Endemic Native |
Finch, Purple |
Carpodacus purpureus |
Endemic Native |
Flicker, Northern |
Colaptes auratus |
Endemic Native |
Grosbeak, Evening |
Coccothraustes vespertina |
Endemic Native |
Heron, Great Blue |
Ardea herodias |
Endemic Native |
Jay, Gray |
Perisoreus canadensis |
Endemic Native |
Jay, Steller's |
Cyanocitta stelleri |
Endemic Native |
Jay, Western Scrub |
Aphelocoma californica |
Endemic Native |
Junco, Dark-Eyed |
Junco hyemalis |
Endemic Native |
Kinglet, Golden-Crowned |
Regulus satrapa |
Endemic Native |
Nuthatch, Red-Breasted |
Sitta canadensis |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Barred |
Strix varia |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Great Horned |
Bubo virginianus |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Northern Pygmy |
Glaucidium gnoma |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Northern Saw-Whet |
Aegolius acadicus |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Western Screech |
Otus kennicottii |
Endemic Native |
Siskin, Pine |
Carduelis pinus |
Endemic Native |
Sparrow, Fox |
Passerella iliaca |
Endemic Native |
Sparrow, Song |
Melospiza melodia |
Endemic Native |
Thrush, Varied |
Ixoreus naevius |
Endemic Native |
Towhee, Spotted |
Pipilo erythrophthalamus |
Endemic Native |
Vireo, Hutton's |
Vireo huttoni |
Endemic Native |
Woodpecker, Downy |
Picoides pubescens |
Endemic Native |
Woodpecker, Hairy |
Picoides villosus |
Endemic Native |
Woodpecker, Pileated |
Dryocopus pileatus |
Endemic Native |
Wren, Winter |
Troglodytes troglodytes |
Endemic Native |
Wrentit |
Chamaea fasciata |
Endemic Native |
Sparrow, House |
Passer domesticus |
Exotic |
Starling, European |
Sturnus vulgaris |
Exotic |
Dove, Rock |
Columba livia |
Exotic Oregon Game |
Blackbird, Red-Winged |
Agelaius phoeniceus |
Migratory |
Bunting, Lazuli |
Passerina amoena |
Migratory |
Cowbird, Brown-Headed |
Molothrus ater |
Migratory |
Flycatcher, Hammond's |
Empidonax hammondii |
Migratory |
Flycatcher, Pacific-Slope |
Empidonax difficilis |
Migratory |
Goldfinch, American |
Carduelis tristis |
Migratory |
Grosbeak, Black-Headed |
Pheucticus melanocephalus |
Migratory |
Hawk, Cooper's |
Accipiter cooperii |
Migratory |
Hawk, Red-Tailed |
Buteo jamaicensis |
Migratory |
Hawk, Sharp-Shinned |
Accipiter striatus |
Migratory |
Heron, Green |
Butorides virescens |
Migratory |
Hummingbird, Anna's |
Calypte anna |
Migratory |
Hummingbird, Rufous |
Selasphorus rufus |
Migratory |
Kestrel, American |
Falco sparverius |
Migratory |
Killdeer |
Charadrius vociferus |
Migratory |
Kingfisher, Belted |
Ceryle alcyon |
Migratory |
Nighthawk, Common |
Chordeiles minor |
Migratory |
Oriole, Northern |
Icterus galbula |
Migratory |
Osprey |
Pandion haliaetus |
Migratory |
Pewee, Western Wood |
Contopus sordidulus |
Migratory |
Robin, American |
Turdus migratorius |
Migratory |
Sapsucker, Red-Breasted |
Sphyrapicus ruber |
Migratory |
Solitaire, Townsend's |
Myadestes townsendi |
Migratory |
Sparrow, Chipping |
Spizella passerina |
Migratory |
Sparrow, White-Crowned |
Zonotrichia leucophrys |
Migratory |
Swallow, Barn |
Hirundo rustica |
Migratory |
Swallow, Cliff |
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota |
Migratory |
Swallow, Tree |
Tachycineta bicolor |
Migratory |
Swallow, Violet-Green |
Tachycineta thalassina |
Migratory |
Swift, Vaux's |
Chaetura vauxi |
Migratory |
Tanager, Western |
Piranga ludoviciana |
Migratory |
Thrush, Hermit |
Catharus guttatus |
Migratory |
Thrush, Swainson's |
Catharus ustulatus |
Migratory |
Vireo, Cassin’s |
Vireo cassinii |
Migratory |
Vireo, Warbling |
Vireo gilvus |
Migratory |
Vulture, Turkey |
Cathartes aura |
Migratory |
Warbler, Black-Throated Gray |
Dendroica nigrescens |
Migratory |
Warbler, Hermit |
Dendroica occidentalis |
Migratory |
Warbler, MacGillivray's |
Oporornis tolmiei |
Migratory |
Warbler, Nashville |
Vermivora ruficapilla |
Migratory |
Warbler, Orange-Crowned |
Vermivora celata |
Migratory |
Warbler, Townsend's |
Dendroica townsendi |
Migratory |
Warbler, Wilson's |
Wilsonia pusilla |
Migratory |
Warbler, Yellow |
Dendroica petechia |
Migratory |
Warbler, Yellow-Rumped |
Dendroica coronata |
Migratory |
Waxwing, Cedar |
Bombycilla cedrorum |
Migratory |
Wren, House |
Troglodytes aedon |
Migratory |
Yellowthroat, Common |
Geothlypis trichas |
Migratory |
Nuthatch, White-Breasted |
Sitta carolinensis |
Oregon Endemic Sensitive |
Duck, Merganser |
Mergus merganser |
Oregon Game |
Grouse, Blue |
Dendragapus obscurus |
Oregon Game |
Grouse, Ruffed |
Bonasa umbellus |
Oregon Game |
Dove, Mourning |
Zenaida macroura |
Oregon Game Migratory |
Duck, Hooded Merganser |
Lophodytes cucullatus |
Oregon Game Migratory |
Duck, Wood |
Aix sponsa |
Oregon Game Migratory |
Duck, Harlequin |
Histrionicus histrionicus |
Oregon Game US Concern |
Pigeon, Band-Tailed |
Columba fasciata |
Oregon Game US Concern |
Quail, Mountain |
Oreortyx pictus |
Oregon Game US Concern |
Bluebird, Western |
Sialia mexicana |
Oregon Migratory Sensitive |
Falcon, Peregrine |
Falco peregrinus |
Oregon Migratory Strategic |
Eagle, Bald |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
Oregon Threatened Strategic |
Goshawk, Northern |
Accipiter gentiles |
US Concern |
Flycatcher, Little Willow |
Empidonax trailii brewsteri |
US Migratory Concern |
Flycatcher, Olive-Sided |
Contopus cooperi |
US Migratory Concern |
Martin, Purple |
Progne subis |
US Migratory Concern |
Murrelet, Marbled |
Brachyramphus marmoratus |
US Threatened |
Owl, Northern Spotted |
Strix occidentalis |
US Threatened |
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