Tsp. 28 S., Rng. 13 W.
General Land Office Survey Index
1859 GLO |
1867 GLO |
1872 GLO |
1884 GLO |
1862 DLC |
1891 DLC |
1898 Annotated USGS Coos Bay |
2012 Bandon District |
This township is entirely within the boundaries of the 2011-2012 Coquelle Trails Project. It includes an unnamed peak with an elevation of 1031', Fat Elk Creek and Coquille River in the Bandon Historical District. This survey was completed in 1858, 1859, 1862, 1867, 1871, 1883, and 1891, and mapped in 1859, 1862, 1867, 1872, 1884, and 1891 (Truax 1857; Buttolph 1861; Meldrum 1866; Flint & Williams 1871; Hall 1883). Donation Land Claims were filed by David Hall, and James G. Malcolm.