Open-grown oak, native grasses, wild carrots, ox-eye daisies, and scattered weeds: July 3, 2005.
April 1, 2005 DRAFT w/Updates
The initial 40-acre "Brandis Oaks Savannah Restoration Plan" draft was authorized by landowner Jack Brandis in late December, 2004, following several months of discussion and consideration, and beginning with the removal of most conifers from the property, as reported in the local press. The initial draft plan was written by Bob Zybach (as a consultant for NW Maps Co.) in a report dated April 1, 2005, and containing the nine goals and basic strategies outlined below. This original draft was prepared under the direction of Mr. Brandis and has been made available for local research and education uses with his full agreement and encouragement. This website is intended primarily as a tool for such purposes, and is focused on Benton County students, teachers, and researchers with an interest in the study of native oak savannah plants and animals. Website construction and maintenance costs have been provided by Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc. (ORWW), through the generosity of several local sponsors and collaborators.
Primary editing and initial website design for this draft were completed by Brookman Holmes and Anthony Vaughan, Crescent Valley High School, on June 15, 2005. Bob Zybach and Josh Meredith (both representing ORWW as website editors, designers, and contributors) have continued to contribute to this website through July 15, 2005. Most recent work has involved translating the work of Holmes and Vaughan into standard ORWW Dreamweaver format files, and further testing and refining website texts, links, and content in the process. As a result of these changes, several portions of the original April 1 draft have been significantly modified (text formatting and links at minimum), or even eliminated (outdated maps or privileged information) for this website; other parts, partricularly appendices and technical information, have been expanded. Webpages using video or QTVR files, for example, have been mostly created by Meredith since June 15; largely as models that can be replicated by local High School students during the 2005-2006 school year.
Project Description. A brief description and overview of the plan, land, and landscape history
Project Goals. Nine project goals are oulined.
Tasks and Timelines. Project restoration and maintenance tasks are described in terms of short-term (2 years), mid-term (2-10 years), and long-term (10-100 years) actions.
Experimental Design. Two formal experiments are proposed and a series of questions posed to students and researchers that have application to the restoration and maintenance of oak savannah environments.
Project Measures. A number of measures are suggested by which progress and other trends related to project success can be evaluated.
Goal 1. Habitat | Restoration and long-term maintenance of oak savannah and woodland conditions throughout the project area. | |
Goal 2. Wildlife | Establishment and long-term maintenance of populations (or habitat) of Kincaid's lupine, Fender's blue butterfly, sharp-tailed snakes, western gray squirrels, and western bluebirds. | |
Goal 3. Residential | Development of approximately 22 western acres into homesites and streets landscaped with native vegetation, in general accordance with goals 1 and 2, and for water and fuel conservation purposes. | |
Goal 4. Savannah | Long-term maintenance of approximately 18 eastern acres as oak savannah habitat with a focus on the species listed in Goal 2, and for purposes of public recreation, education, and research. | |
Goal 5. Trails | Construction and maintenance of a public trail segment through the oak savannah habitat that connects Corvallis City Parks on the east boundary to OSU Research Forests to the north. | |
Goal 6. Weeds | Control of existence or spread of exotic plants and weeds within the project area, with a focus on conifers, Brachypodium (false brome), and poisonoak. | |
Goal 7. Wildfire | Significant short-term and
long-term reductions of fuel
loads between |
Goal 8. Burning | Reintroduction of Indian-type burning methods on an experimental basis (training and research) for short- and mid-term maintenance of oak savannah habitat, and for addressing goals 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7. | |
Goal 9. Funding | Identification of potential funding sources for achieving goals 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8. |
Spring Spray; harvest windfall; [establish experimental plantations?].
Summer Spray; inventory; gather seeds.
Fall Spray, Inventory, spread seeds
Spring Weed; plant inventory; harvest windfall, berries, bulbs.
Summer Burn (Goal 8); CRI; plant inventory; harvest bulbs, seeds.
Fall Burn (Goal 7); CRI; plant inventory; harvest nuts, bulbs, seeds.
Allow old-growth savannah conditions to develop through attrition. A loss of nearly all trees is acceptable, so long as target species (Goal 2) continue to persist, at least a few each of oak, Douglas-fir, and madrone exist in good health, and native shrubs, bulbs, forbs, and grasses form the understory.
The following measures exist principally as recommendations and suggestions. The use of measures is critical in guiding this project through time. [A more detailed description of proposed measures can be found at this link].
1) Abundance (or absence) of target and focus species. Target species are Kincaid's lupine, Fender's blue butterfly, western gray squirrel, western bluebird, and sharp-tailed snake (see Goal 2). An ideal would be to have experts train students in the techniques of identifying, numbering, and mapping the various target and focus species through time.
2) Aesthetics. What constitutes "an oak savannah condition" at any point in time? What are seasonal differences, and what differences develop over time? Digital photography is a (recently) cheap and effective way to capture visual differences in the environment.
3) Educational uses. Measures could be student reports, student visitor hours, number of research projects, number of website visitors (general information), and formal users (tuition fees).
4) Maintenance expense. Is an oak savannah more expensive to maintain than a Douglas-fir plantation? Do native street trees, shrubs, and flowers save significant amounts of mowing, pruning, spraying, and/or watering costs?
5) Public safety: wildfire and windfall. The removal of conifer trees significantly reduces the potential likelihood and severity of wildfires; an important consideration of forested "urban-interface" lands.
6) Scientific findings. A wide variety of very useful scientific data will be accumulated if this plan is followed to completion. Measures are journal articles, website reports, changed management plans, and summaries of other measures.
7) Training days. How many Corvallis firefighters learn or practice field burning at the site? How about GIS or GPS training? Website design?
8) Visitor days. These are mostly academic questions, but they have a lot to do with the contributions the property will make to the quality of life for local students, residents, and others who visit the site through time.
9) Water use. Native plants are, naturally, drought resistant and generally require very little--if any--irrigation.
10) Website utility. A formal website based on research and management findings associated with the oak savannah could be the basis for public education and formal academic curricula plans.
© 2005 by Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc. and NW Maps Co.