Forest Fuels References

Types of fuels, fuels history, fuels management, prescribed fire, combustability.

Wildfire: Atmosphere & Climate. Effects of wildfire on air quality; weather and wildfire; climate change; Global Warming.

Wildfire: Economics. Costs of suppression, loss of resources, effects on rural communities.

Wildfire: Forest Soils. Effects of wildfire on soils, soil productivity, soil chemistry.

Wildfire: Forest Streams. Effects of wildfire on streams, water quality, erosion, fish populations.

Wildfire: Salvage Logging. Scientific research and opinion, legal actions, and management results.

Agee, James K., Berni Bahro, Mark A. Finney, Philip N. Omi, David D. Sapsis, Carl N. Skinner, Jan W. van Wagtendonk, C. Phillip Weatherspoon 2000. “The Use of Shaded Fuelbreaks in Landscape Fire Management,” Forest Ecology and Management. No. 127: 55-66.[PDF]

Agee, James K., Clinton S. Wright, Nathan Williamson, Mark H. Huff 2002. “Foliar Moisture Content of Pacific Northwest Vegetation and Its Relation to Wildland Fire Behavior,” Forest Ecology and Management. No. 167: 57-66.[PDF]

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Carey, Henry and Martha Schumann 2003. Modifying WildFire Behavior – The Effectiveness of Fuel Treatments: The Status of Our Knowledge. National Community Forestry Center, Working Paper 2: 28 pp.[PDF]

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Finney, Mark A., Roberta Bartlette, Larry Bradshaw, Kelly Close, Brandon M. Collins, Paul Gleason, Wei Min Hao, Paul Langowski, John McGinely, Charles W. McHugh, Erik Martinson, Philip N. Omi, Wayne Shepperd, and Karl Zeller 2003. "Fire Behavior, Fuel Treatments, and Fire Suppression on the Hayman Fire," USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-114: 33-35. [PDF]

Foster, David R., Dennis H. Knight, and Jerry F. Franklin 1998. "Landscape Patterns and Legacies Resulting from Large, Infrequent Forest Disturbances," Ecosystems. Vol. 1: 497-510. [PDF]

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Greenough, Julee A. 2001. Fuel Characteristic Classification System Design. Prepared by ESSA Technologies Ltd., Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, for USDA Forest Service, Corvallis Forestry Sciences Lab, Corvallis, Oregon: 48 pp.[PDF]

Kay, Charles E. 2007. "Are Lightning Fires Unnatural? A Comparison of Aboriginal and Lightning Ignition Rates in the United States," Proceedings of the 23rd Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference: Fire in Grassland and Shrubland Ecosystems, R.E. Masters and K.E.M. Galley (eds.). Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, Florida: 16-28.[PDF]

Martinson, Erik J. and Phillip N. Omi 2003. "Performance of Fuel Treatments Subject to Wildfires," USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-29: 7 pp. [PDF]

Martinson, Erik, Phillip N. Omi, and Wayne Sheppard 2003. "Part 3: Effects of Fuel Treatment on Fire Severity," USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-114: 96-126. [PDF]

Means, Joseph E., Olga N. Krankina, Hao Jiang, and Hongyan Li 1996. Estimating Live Fuels for Shrubs and Herbs With BIOPAK. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest ResearchStation, General Technical Report PNW-GTR-372: 28 pp. [PDF]

Raymond, Crystal and David L. Peterson 2005. "How Did Prefire Treatments Affect the Biscuit Fire?," Fire Management Today. Vol. 65, No. 2: 18-22. [PDF]

Rhodes, Jonathon J.2007. The Watershed Impacts of Forest Treatments to Reduce Fuels and Modify Fire Behavior. Pacific Rivers Council, Eugene, Oregon: 94 pp. [PDF]

Schoennagel, Tania, Thomas T. Veblen, and William H. Romme 2004. "The Interaction of Fire, Fuels, and Climate Across Rocky Mountain Forests," BioScience. Vol. 54, No. 7: 661-676. [PDF]

Stephens, Scott L. and jasonJ. Moghaddas 2005. "Experimental Fuel Treatment Impacts on Forest Structure, Potential Fire Behavior, and Predicted Tree Mortality in a California Mixed Conifer Forest," Forest Ecology and Management. Vol. 215: 21-36. [PDF]

Thompson, Jonathon R., Thomas A.Spies, and Lisa M. Gainio 2007. "Reburn Severity in Managed and Unmanaged Vegetation in a Large Wildfire," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 104, No. 25: 10743-10748. [PDF]

Tiedemann, Arthur R., James O. Klemmedson, and Evelyn L. Bull 2000. "Solution of Forest Health Problems with Prescribed Fire: Are Forest Productivity and Wildlife at Risk?" Forest Ecology and Management. Vol. 127: 1-18. [PDF]

Turner, Monica J., William H. Romme, Robert H. Gardner, and William W. Hargrove 1997. "Effects of Fire Size and Patterns on Early Succession in Yellowstone National Park," Ecological Monographs. Vol. 67, No. 4: 411-433. [PDF]

United States Government 2002a. A Collaborative Approach for Reducing Wildland Fire Risks to Communities and the Environment: 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy Impementation Plan. 27 pp. [PDF]

United States Government 2002b. Healthy Forests: An Initiative for Wildfire Prevention and Stronger Communities.22pp. [PDF]

Waldrop, Thomas A. and James McIver 2006. "The National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study: Early Results and Future Challenges," Proceedings of the 13th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference. Connor, Kristina F., ed. General Technical Reort SRS–92. Asheville, North Carolina, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station: 526-530. [PDF]

Weisberg, Peter J. and Frederick J. Swanson 2003. "Regional Synchroneity in Fire Regimes of Western Oregon and Washington, USA," Forest Ecology and Management. Vol. 172: 17-28. [PDF]

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Wray, Jacilee and M. Kat Anderson 2003. “Restoring Indian-Set Fires to Prairie Ecosystems on the Olympic Peninsula,” Ecological Restoration. Vol. 21, No. 4: 296-301.[PDF]

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