Biscuit Fire References

1987 Silver Complex.. Wildfire events, planning process, legal actions, management results.

Biscuit Fire: Technical Science. Experimental study design, monitoring processes, interactive educational website concepts.

Southwest Oregon History. Historical and cultural context and data relevant to the Silver Complex and Biscuit wildfires.

Wildfire: Atmosphere & Climate. Effects of wildfire on air quality; weather and wildfire; climate change; Global Warming.

Wildfire: Economics. Costs of suppression, loss of resources, effects on rural communities.

Wildfire: Forest Fuels. Types of fuels, fuels management, combustability.

Wildfire: Forest Soils. Effects of wildfire on soils, soil productivity, soil chemistry.

Wildfire: Forest Streams. Effects of wildfire on streams, water quality, erosion, fish populations.

Wildfire: Salvage Logging.. Scientific research and opinion, legal actions, and management results.

Azuma, David L., Joseph Donnegan, and Donald Gedney 2004. Southwest Oregon Biscuit Fire: An Analysis of Forest Resources and Fire Severity. Research Paper PNW-RP-560, USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon: 32 pp. [PDF]

Beschta, Robert L., Jonathon J. Rhodes, J. Boone Kauffman, Robert E. Gresswell, G. Wayne Minshall, James. R. Karr, David A. Perry, E. Richard Hauer, and Christopher A. Frissell 2004. “Postfire Management on Forested Public Lands of the Western United States,” Conservation Biology. Vol. 18, No. 4: 957-967. [PDF]

Donato, Dan, J. B. Fontaine, J. L. Campbell, W. D. Robinson, J. Boone Kauffman, Beverly E. Law 2006. “Post-Wildfire Logging Hinders Regeneration and Increases Fire Risk,” Sciencexpress Brevia. January 5: 3 pp. [PDF]

Drehobl, Richard J. 2006. Statement of Richard John Drehobl Retired Bureau of Land Management Manager of 33 years Representing Self. Subcommittee in Forest and Forest Health Committee on Recourses, US House of Representatives Field Hearing: Science Research and the Knowledge-Base Concerning Forest Management Following Wildfires and Other Major Disturbance. Management Perspective on Research on Fire Related Management Issues, Medford, Oregon. February 24: 11 pp. [PDF]

Dubrasich Michael E. and Gregory J. Brenner 2008. Comments to the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Regarding "Appropriate Management Response." Western Institute for the Study of the Environment, Lebanon, Oregon: 161 pp.[PDF]

Franklin, Jerry F. 2004. Comments on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Biscuit Recovery Project. College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington: 12 pp. [PDF]

Hogan, Michael R. 2004. Civil Case No. 04-3058-JPC: Siskiyou Regional Education Project, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Linda Goodman, et al., Defendants. United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, US District Court for the District of Oregon, Medford, Oregon: pp. 1-14; 28-32. [PDF]

Mansfield, Charles R. 2003. Biscuit Fire Chronology: An Analysis. Unpublished report. Los Alamos, New Mexico: 15 pp.[PDF]

Nazzaro, Robin M. 2006. Biscuit Fire Recovery Project.Analysis of Project Development, Salvage Sales, and Other Activities. GA0-06-967, United States Government Accountability Office, Washington DC: 69 pp.[PDF]

Niemi, Ernie 2004. Economic Risks of Salvage Logging: the Biscuit Fire. ECONorthwest, Eugene, Oregon: 24 pp. [PDF]

Oregonian 2003. Split the Biscuit: OSU Researchers Make a Strong Casefor Speedy Salvage, Reforestation and Brush Control On Parts of the Biscuit Fire, The Oregonian. Portland, Oregon, July 25: p. E6. [PDF]

Raymond, Crystal and David L. Peterson 2005. "How Did Prefire Treatments Affect the Biscuit Fire?," Fire Management Today. Vol. 65, No. 2: 18-22. [PDF]

Salwasser, Hal and others 2002. Comments on the Biscuit Fire. Unpublished email discussion among Hal Salwasser, James Agee, Carl Skinner, and other scientists and US Forest Service resource managers regarding the Biscuit Fire, from September 11 to October 3, 2002: 24 pp.[PDF]

Sessions, John, Pete Bettinger, Robert Buckman, Mike Newton, and Jeff Hamann 2004. "Hastening the Return of Complex Forests Following Fire: The Consequences of Delay," Journal of Forestry.April/May: 38-45. [PDF]

Thompson, Jonathon R., Thomas A.Spies, and Lisa M. Gainio 2007. "Reburn Severity in Managed and Unmanaged Vegetation in a Large Wildfire," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. Vol. 104, No. 25: 10743-10748. [PDF]

Waring, Richard H., William H. Emmingham, and Steven W. Running 1975. “Environmental Limits of an Endemic Spruce, Picea breweriana,” Canadian Journal of Botany. Vol. 53: 1599-1613. [PDF]

Whittaker, R. H. 1954. "The Ecology of Serpentine Soils," Ecology. Vol. 35, Issue 2: 258-288. [PDF]

Whittaker, R. H. 1960. "Vegetation of the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon and California," Ecological Mongraphs. Vol. 30, Issue 3: 279-338. [PDF]


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