Post-Biscuit Fire Management Study

Long-term Research & Monitoring.

The third principal goal of the project website is to create long-term research and monitoring opportunities for study cooperators that can be shared with the general public. Initial long-term research hypotheses for the study (Bormann, et al. 2004), for example, can be generally monitored and displayed at a landscape-scale for both scientific and public information purposes with digital repeat photography grids (Zybach and Lapham 2004):

• Can late-successional habitat be restored and protected by managing in more than one way in USFS Reserves burned in the Biscuit Fire?

• How fast will various management pathways, and their interactions with natural disturbances, achieve late-succession conditions?


For purposes of this study, landscape-scale is defined as tens of thousands of acres. The Biscuit Fire was 500,000 acres in size, and Appendix A addresses 36,000 of those acres.


For purposes of this study and report, “long-term” is defined as meaning “at least 30 years.”

©2008 Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc.