Links |
This is just a list of links that I've compiled over my many searches over the web that have some relevancy to this project. I expect that I'll find some more someday and continue to add to this list. What follows is a brief explanation of each site as I have seen them. Most of these links go directly to the site. |
http://www.upstreamconnection.com/ |
This page has a list of watershed resource links including the Endangered Species Act, local, state and national departments or organizations. |
http://www.4sos.org/wsgroups/wsgroups-or.html |
This is a list of who to contact for the local watershed groups of Oregon, California, and Washington. |
http://www.fish.ci.portland.or.us/links.htm |
This site has a lot of links to other salmon related sites and contains other relevant information. |
http://www.marys-river-wc.peak.org/ |
The home of the Mary's River Watershed Council, this page has information on upcoming events, projects and other links. |
http://www.midcoastwatershedcouncil.org/bpt_als.htm |
The MidCoast Watersheds Council, this page has some generic information on the Alsea River. |
http://www.longtom.org/ |
The Long Tom Watershed Council and its events, watershed assessments, watershed information and even more links. |
http://www.oregonwri.org/ |
Willamette Restoration Initiative, its plans, events, publications, information, and links. |
http://ucs.orst.edu/~gildenj/watershed/links.html |
A page full of links to state and federal organizations and information, other organizations, projects and educational information on watersheds. |
http://www.coastrange.org/watersheds&salmon.htm |
Includes information on coast range watersheds and councils and links for Oregon watersheds and salmon information. |
Contact me through bcwaterquality@hotmail.com |