2018 SWOCC Elliott State Forest Draft Recreation Plan
Chapter 9. Birds and Birding
Fig. 9.1. Two Barn Swallows. Photo by Daniel Patton, BLM Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area, May 22, 2018.
Birds and Birding
By Matthew Smith, Tara Boyd, and Daniel Patton
Current Use
Currently, birding in the Elliott is just used as a recreational activity and for hunting, however, there is little to no precise data on locations of bird nesting or hunting spots in the Elliott which make these activities difficult without luck on your side.
The Audubon Society of Portland held a two-month long “Birds of the Elliott State Forest” art exhibit in their facility in 2017 (Moulton 2017). The artist, Suzie Moulton, is a huge fan of the Elliott State Forest as hiking through it helped her through some personal tough times. Suzie sketched each bird she came across while hiking through the Elliott, and later created an assortment of different birds from textiles, which were showcased in the Audubon Society’s headquarters. She even created a game called Project Bird Baby Nest with the goal to entice people and children into learning more about birds native to the Elliott State Forest.
“Birding is a major recreational industry,” stated Marty Giles (personal communication, May 22, 2018). Birding is an activity where one can watch, photograph, and/or record data of the various bird species. The Elliott State Forest and bordering lands are the home of some 103 different species of birds, give or take (Decker 2011: E-6-9).
Fig. 9.2. Red-Winged Blackbird. Photo by Daniel Patton, BLM Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area, May 22, 2018.
Roadblocks to Development / Activity
Depending on the recreation areas that are close to birding areas, they may scare birds away making bird watching very difficult. A study led by Dr. Christopher McClure found that “[research] results demonstrate that noise alone is enough to cause some birds to avoid a site.” (Gray, The Telegraph) Road and trail accessibility may hinder desires for proceeding to the locations, as people prefer easier to get to sites (personal experience). The roads should be freed of potholes and the trails cleared of debris. Signage is a must in order to keep travelers from getting lost, possibly funded through donations and/or using funds generated by the options listed under “Income / School Trust Fund Potential”. Seasonal patterns - they may be in one area of the forest during one season and completely gone during another, so seasonal areas could be utilized for other recreation activities during migration periods
Map 9.1. “Map showing listed species habitat and lack of recreation potential” (Sim et al 2014: 32).
Income / School Trust Fund Potential
There is potential for School Trust Funds by selling maps of specific bird observation, nesting, and/or hunting locations (after research is done to find these locations) to those unwilling to adventure out and find them on their own. It would cost around $1.27 to create one map, which could then be sold between $3 and $10, depending on the rate of return, which would be a margin of $1.73 to $8.73 each map. Another possibility would be to sell postcards with pictures of the birds in the Elliott on them. Postcards are typically cheap to print, around $0.71 each, and can be sold for $5 a piece, giving a margin of at least $4.29 per postcard. (“Same Day Postcard Mailings”) Selling other birding merchandise and memorabilia (i.e. magnets, coffee cups, posters, etc.) could be another potential but the margin may not be as great. We would need a gift shop for these, or work something out with local businesses surrounding the Elliott to sell the items through them.
Birding passes could be a possibility, but I would not suggest it because that might deter people instead of attract them. The “Oregon Birding Association” awards grants up to $750 for each project that promotes “education, enjoyment, conservation, and science of birds and birding in Oregon”. This could be a great opportunity for income to at least start a birding project for the Elliott.
Recommendations for/against Development
Fencing off key habitats and nesting zones for bird safety and livability with specifically marked zones for birding would be an option. Research is needed to locate prime nesting zones.
Birding locations may interrupt other recreation activities. To prevent this, birding locations should remain separated from the other recreation locations while birds inhabit the areas. In Map 9.1, the circular tan zones are areas said to be protected due to spotted owl habitats. It appears as though only logging is not permitted.
Table 9.1. Birds of the Elliott (Decker et al. 2011: E-6-9).
Common Name |
Species Name |
Status |
Chickadee, Black-Capped |
Poecile atricapillus |
Endemic Native |
Chickadee, Chestnut-Backed |
Poecile rufescens |
Endemic Native |
Corvus Crow |
Corvus brachyrhychos |
Endemic Native |
Corvus Raven |
Corvus corax |
Endemic Native |
Creeper, Brown |
Certhia americana |
Endemic Native |
Crossbill, Red |
Loxia curvirostra |
Endemic Native |
Dipper, American |
Cinclus mexicanus |
Endemic Native |
Finch, Purple |
Carpodacus purpureus |
Endemic Native |
Flicker, Northern |
Colaptes auratus |
Endemic Native |
Grosbeak, Evening |
Coccothraustes vespertina |
Endemic Native |
Heron, Great Blue |
Ardea herodias |
Endemic Native |
Jay, Gray |
Perisoreus canadensis |
Endemic Native |
Jay, Steller's |
Cyanocitta stelleri |
Endemic Native |
Jay, Western Scrub |
Aphelocoma californica |
Endemic Native |
Junco, Dark-Eyed |
Junco hyemalis |
Endemic Native |
Kinglet, Golden-Crowned |
Regulus satrapa |
Endemic Native |
Nuthatch, Red-Breasted |
Sitta canadensis |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Barred |
Strix varia |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Great Horned |
Bubo virginianus |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Northern Pygmy |
Glaucidium gnoma |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Northern Saw-Whet |
Aegolius acadicus |
Endemic Native |
Owl, Western Screech |
Otus kennicottii |
Endemic Native |
Siskin, Pine |
Carduelis pinus |
Endemic Native |
Sparrow, Fox |
Passerella iliaca |
Endemic Native |
Sparrow, Song |
Melospiza melodia |
Endemic Native |
Thrush, Varied |
Ixoreus naevius |
Endemic Native |
Towhee, Spotted |
Pipilo erythrophthalamus |
Endemic Native |
Vireo, Hutton's |
Vireo huttoni |
Endemic Native |
Woodpecker, Downy |
Picoides pubescens |
Endemic Native |
Woodpecker, Hairy |
Picoides villosus |
Endemic Native |
Woodpecker, Pileated |
Dryocopus pileatus |
Endemic Native |
Wren, Winter |
Troglodytes troglodytes |
Endemic Native |
Wrentit |
Chamaea fasciata |
Endemic Native |
Sparrow, House |
Passer domesticus |
Exotic |
Starling, European |
Sturnus vulgaris |
Exotic |
Dove, Rock |
Columba livia |
Exotic Oregon Game |
Blackbird, Red-Winged |
Agelaius phoeniceus |
Migratory |
Bunting, Lazuli |
Passerina amoena |
Migratory |
Cowbird, Brown-Headed |
Molothrus ater |
Migratory |
Flycatcher, Hammond's |
Empidonax hammondii |
Migratory |
Flycatcher, Pacific-Slope |
Empidonax difficilis |
Migratory |
Goldfinch, American |
Carduelis tristis |
Migratory |
Grosbeak, Black-Headed |
Pheucticus melanocephalus |
Migratory |
Hawk, Cooper's |
Accipiter cooperii |
Migratory |
Hawk, Red-Tailed |
Buteo jamaicensis |
Migratory |
Hawk, Sharp-Shinned |
Accipiter striatus |
Migratory |
Heron, Green |
Butorides virescens |
Migratory |
Hummingbird, Anna's |
Calypte anna |
Migratory |
Hummingbird, Rufous |
Selasphorus rufus |
Migratory |
Kestrel, American |
Falco sparverius |
Migratory |
Killdeer |
Charadrius vociferus |
Migratory |
Kingfisher, Belted |
Ceryle alcyon |
Migratory |
Nighthawk, Common |
Chordeiles minor |
Migratory |
Oriole, Northern |
Icterus galbula |
Migratory |
Osprey |
Pandion haliaetus |
Migratory |
Pewee, Western Wood |
Contopus sordidulus |
Migratory |
Robin, American |
Turdus migratorius |
Migratory |
Sapsucker, Red-Breasted |
Sphyrapicus ruber |
Migratory |
Solitaire, Townsend's |
Myadestes townsendi |
Migratory |
Sparrow, Chipping |
Spizella passerina |
Migratory |
Sparrow, White-Crowned |
Zonotrichia leucophrys |
Migratory |
Swallow, Barn |
Hirundo rustica |
Migratory |
Swallow, Cliff |
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota |
Migratory |
Swallow, Tree |
Tachycineta bicolor |
Migratory |
Swallow, Violet-Green |
Tachycineta thalassina |
Migratory |
Swift, Vaux's |
Chaetura vauxi |
Migratory |
Tanager, Western |
Piranga ludoviciana |
Migratory |
Thrush, Hermit |
Catharus guttatus |
Migratory |
Thrush, Swainson's |
Catharus ustulatus |
Migratory |
Vireo, Cassin’s |
Vireo cassinii |
Migratory |
Vireo, Warbling |
Vireo gilvus |
Migratory |
Vulture, Turkey |
Cathartes aura |
Migratory |
Warbler, Black-Throated Gray |
Dendroica nigrescens |
Migratory |
Warbler, Hermit |
Dendroica occidentalis |
Migratory |
Warbler, MacGillivray's |
Oporornis tolmiei |
Migratory |
Warbler, Nashville |
Vermivora ruficapilla |
Migratory |
Warbler, Orange-Crowned |
Vermivora celata |
Migratory |
Warbler, Townsend's |
Dendroica townsendi |
Migratory |
Warbler, Wilson's |
Wilsonia pusilla |
Migratory |
Warbler, Yellow |
Dendroica petechia |
Migratory |
Warbler, Yellow-Rumped |
Dendroica coronata |
Migratory |
Waxwing, Cedar |
Bombycilla cedrorum |
Migratory |
Wren, House |
Troglodytes aedon |
Migratory |
Yellowthroat, Common |
Geothlypis trichas |
Migratory |
Nuthatch, White-Breasted |
Sitta carolinensis |
Oregon Endemic Sensitive |
Duck, Merganser |
Mergus merganser |
Oregon Game |
Grouse, Blue |
Dendragapus obscurus |
Oregon Game |
Grouse, Ruffed |
Bonasa umbellus |
Oregon Game |
Dove, Mourning |
Zenaida macroura |
Oregon Game Migratory |
Duck, Hooded Merganser |
Lophodytes cucullatus |
Oregon Game Migratory |
Duck, Wood |
Aix sponsa |
Oregon Game Migratory |
Duck, Harlequin |
Histrionicus histrionicus |
Oregon Game US Concern |
Pigeon, Band-Tailed |
Columba fasciata |
Oregon Game US Concern |
Quail, Mountain |
Oreortyx pictus |
Oregon Game US Concern |
Bluebird, Western |
Sialia mexicana |
Oregon Migratory Sensitive |
Falcon, Peregrine |
Falco peregrinus |
Oregon Migratory Strategic |
Eagle, Bald |
Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
Oregon Threatened Strategic |
Goshawk, Northern |
Accipiter gentiles |
US Concern |
Flycatcher, Little Willow |
Empidonax trailii brewsteri |
US Migratory Concern |
Flycatcher, Olive-Sided |
Contopus cooperi |
US Migratory Concern |
Martin, Purple |
Progne subis |
US Migratory Concern |
Murrelet, Marbled |
Brachyramphus marmoratus |
US Threatened |
Owl, Northern Spotted |
Strix occidentalis |
US Threatened |
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